St Buryan Church

St Buryan TR19 6BA 

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Heaviest bell in Cornwall tolls for HRH

Heaviest bell in Cornwall tolls for HRH on Saturday 17 April 2021

St Buryan tenor bell tolled for HRH Duke of Edinburgh on Saturday 17 April 2021 just before his funeral at 3pm. 

The tenor bell, weighing in just under 2 tons, has been silent for nearly a year due to Covid.

Sam Nankervis, President of Cornwall's Bellringers, did the honours.

Article by Miranda Penhaligon (St Buryan Bellringer) & Audio recorded by Steve Penhaligon

Click here to listen to a 2 minute recording of the bell tolling (the sound clip includes seagulls and jackdaws pecking at the louvre door on St Buryan Church bell tower)

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