St Buryan Church

St Buryan TR19 6BA 



Church Website Editor

We are looking for a new volunteer Church Website Editor.

Do you have a laptop (Windows/MAC/Linux) and and an internet connection? Can you help?

The church website content is administered via web browser software and is very easy and intuitive to use.  If you are able to use a mobile phone or Google/Microsoft products then you can edit the church website.  This is not a technical role more about learning the process of how to use the software to edit the website content.  The role can be fulfilled remotely i.e. whilst away from home so long as you have your laptop and an internet connection.

The role mainly involves fulfilling requests to amend the website content from the Church Warden.  This typically includes calendar additions/updates, adding new or updating existing website information, displaying posters and updating the home page.  The role also involves being the point of contact with the software producers, ChurchEdit.  Very rarely, you may need to raise a request for assistance due to some functionality not working as their help content describes.  ChurchEdit produce a newsletter every so often and it is good practice to understand new features being added to the product or upcoming changes which might impact the website availabilty.

As a very rough guide the role takes up between 1 and 3 hours a month but this is a rough estimate and sometimes could be a little bit more or less.

Training and mentorship will be provided for a resonable period of time to help bring the new editor up to speed.

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