St Buryan Church

St Buryan TR19 6BA 

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Our Bells

The Heaviest peal of six bells in the world


Treble:  2001 Whitechapel,  9.1.11 cwt. in A #              Dia 36”

I ring out God’s love and lead the mighty five then rest with Solomon by my side.

On the other side:
C. Venn Captain, J. Thomas Secretary


2:        1681 R Pennington,   8.1.0 cwt. in G #                  Dia 38”

Mr Richard Davis Sampson Hutchins Wardens


3:        1992 Whitechapel,    13.2.10 cwt. in F #               Dia 43”

(1638 R.Pennington;  1901 J.Warner;  1992 Whitechapel;)

Vocem ego do vobis date verba deo
I give my voice to you: you give words to God.
Donated by Venn Bros Ltd  (Cornwall) in memory of Eva Venn.


4:        1901 J.Warner ,          13.3.1 cwt. in E #                  Dia 45”

(1638 R.Pennington; 1738  R.Pennington; 1901 J.Warner;)

Virginis egregiae vocor campana Mariae
I am called the bell of Mary the Glorious Virgin


5:        1901 J.Warner,           20.3.2 cwt. in D #                  Dia 50”

Richard James Martyn Rector.
This bell was given to commemorate the accession of King Edward VII by James Hawke Dennis,
Benefactor to St Buryan Church.


Tenor: 1994 Whitechapel,   37 cwt. 2 qtrs. 9lbs in C #     Dia 59”

Inscriptions: On the first side:
St Solomon pray for us
Christopher J. Venn, Tower Captain and Restorer, Joan Thomas, Revd Dr. R. Legg,
B.S. Cheek, Christine Jago, K. Gilbert, Helen Gilbert, J. Ellis, Sarah Veal

On the other side:
In fond memory of T.W.Trevor Hitchens 30.12.24 - 23.12.92 
Part cost of this bell was met by T.Neil and Jane M. Hitchens

In gothic lettering round the base, as used on Big Ben:
The words chosen  by the Spurr Trust who donated more than half of the cost, 
Calcar sit quo deus laudetor vox mea (Let my voice be the spur with which to praise God)
A George Buchan Custos et Jeffery C Burr advocatus MCMXCIV


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