St Buryan Church

St Buryan TR19 6BA 

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Bell Ringers info

For further information contact Miranda on 01736 811182 or e-mail on
Our bells: are the heaviest ring of six bells in the world, the tenor weighs 37-2-9 and is in C Sharp 

Practice Night: Fridays 7.30pm - 9pm but please ring or email Miranda first as we may not be meeting or we may be ringing a quarter peal.

Sunday Mornings: ringing for the morning service from 9.30am - 10am. Please contact Miranda as some Sundays we may not be ringing.

Photo 1, The Ringing Chamber

Photo 1: The Ringing Chamber looking towards the entrance. The ringing chamber is accessed via a well lit spiral staircase which has a handrail. 

Photo 2: The belfry. The prominent bell in this photo is the second the bell to its right is the fifth, note the orange which helps give the bells scale. The bells at the back are the third and fourth.







Photo 3: The bells are on two levels this is the lower level showing the treble and the tenor, again the orange helps give scale.

Photo 4: The Tenor. The bells are kept rung up because of their weight. This photo is upside-down so the inscription may be read. The tenor with the clapper weights over two ton.



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