St Buryan Church

St Buryan TR19 6BA 

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PCC (Church Council)

What is a PCC?

A Parochial Church Council (PCC) is the executive committee of a Church of England parish church.  NB: Not to be confused with the Parish Council which is the local civil authority in England and the first tier of local government.


Who is on the PCC?

Some people are automatically on the PCC by virtue of their office, these ‘Ex Officio’ members include: The Rector, and any Licensed clergy; the Churchwardens; and those elected to represent St Buryan on the Deanery Synod. There are also elected lay members who serve for a term of three years.


How are PCC lay members elected? 

An Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) is held in April each year. Anybody living in the parish can attend the annual meeting but only people whose names are on the church electoral roll can vote. The Annual meeting appoints the Churchwardens for the next year and then elects a number of lay members of the PCC for a three year term. Usually about a third of the PCC’s elected members stand down each year.

To be eligible to serve on the PCC you have to  be aged 16+, have received communion in the Church of England at least three times in the last 12 months, and have been on the church electoral roll for at least six months (unless you are under 18). 


What do PCC members do? 

The Rector and the PCC each have their own particular rights and responsibilities in the life of the church but the important theme here is partnership and co-operation. PCC members co-operate with the Rector in promoting the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelical, social and ecumenical in the Parish.

PCCs are charities and so PCC members are trustees.  They are responsible, with the Rector, for directing the financial affairs of the PCC and deciding how the church's money is to be spent, ensuring that it is financially solvent and well-run, and able to deliver its charitable aims. They are responsible for the care and maintenance of the church building, church contents and churchyard. PCC members have the right to be consulted about major changes to the forms of worship used in the parish and about the appointment of a new Rector. They are also consulted about any pastoral schemes affecting the parish.

They consider and discuss matters concerning the Church of England or any other matters of religious or public interest. They make known and put into effect any provisions made by the diocesan synod or the deanery synod. They give advice to the diocesan synod and the deanery synod on any matter referred to the council, and they raise such matters as the PCC consider appropriate with the diocesan synod or deanery synod.

The official Church of England description of a PCC and its members can be found on the Church of England website


How often does the PCC meet? 

St Buryan PCC meets once a month with the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCH) being held in April.


Interested in becoming a PCC member?

Please CLICK HERE  for contact details.


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