St Buryan Church

St Buryan TR19 6BA 

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Kneeler Group

There are a growing number of hand-made kneelers slowly filling our church pews, silent witnesses that God’s love is still hard at work drawing a  response of love from our hearts.

These beautiful, hand embroidered kneelers have all been made by members of the congregation, helped by Sheila Hosking, who first had to teach many of us how to embroider.

All the kneelers have an original design and have either been sponsored by villagers in memory of someone who has died, or are commemorating a special event or our village way of life. All together they are powerful symbols of our local history, and tell the story of the people who have lived and worked within this community in the past.

If you would like more information about the kneelers please ask Shelia.

The long kneeler at the High Altar rail was made by Sheila Hosking and depicts the nine Land's End saints. It took her over six years to embroider and was dedicated in 1992. It shows nine saints, St Loy, St Sancreed, St Euny, St Levan, St Buriana, St Sennen, St Piran, St Just and St Pol de Leon.

The embroidered inscription on the long side comes from the Te Deum, and reads Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of power and might. Make us to be numbered with thy saints in glory everlasting. Heaven and earth are full of thy glory. It is written in English on the altar edge and in Cornish on the side facing the congregation.


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