St Buryan Church

St Buryan TR19 6BA 

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Messy Church

Messy Church runs about six times every year, meeting in the village halls on a Sunday afternoon. All ages are welcome to come and learn, make, munch, worship and play together. No charges but donations are welcomed to help us cover our costs.

Messy Church enables people of all ages to belong to Christ together through their local church. It is a way of being church which is particularly suited to families, but welcoming to all. It meets at a time and on a day convenient for local families and is aimed at people who have never belonged to a church before.

If you are feeling stressed, or things are getting on top of you, then come and simply do some drawing or colouring. Doing that can substantially reduce your stress and give you a real sense of achievement whilst also reminding you of your childhood! But there is much more on offer than just drawing and colouring at Messy Church so, don't be shy, come along and join the fun !

You can expect:

• A warm welcome
• An hour of different hands-on activities with a Bible theme
• A short celebration with a story, songs and prayers
• A meal together

Everyone is welcome, young, old, alone or with lots of family. Come and join the fun! but remember, no smart clothes!


Facts: Messy Church:

• gets 500,000 people involved each month
• takes place in more than 30 countries worldwide
• is found in a variety of Christian denominations
• is for people of all ages, from 0–110 years old


Messy Church values:

• Christ-centred
• Creativity
• Hospitality
• Celebration
• All-age






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