St Buryan Church

St Buryan TR19 6BA 

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Baptism and Confirmation

Baptism is so much more than a joyous family occasion to name a child. It is a sacrament, a visible sign of God’s love for us. In baptism, we thank God for his gift of life and publicly acknowledge his love. It marks a new start, a decision to follow Jesus Christ within the family of the Church.

In Baptism the whole church community comes together and the parents and godparents make important promises about bringing their baby up in the Christian faith. We would like to help you explore the meaning behind these promises and make the most of your own, or your child's Baptism.

In the Land’s End Benefice we have baptisms, for adults as well as children, and thanksgivings, both in the services on a Sunday and sometimes at other times when people need something a bit quieter. When we meet with you to talk over the service we can explore what is best for you and your family. There are lots of things to find out about and it is best done at a meeting with one of the minsters in the benefice. One thing you can be sure of is that we look forward to meeting anyone interested in baptism, and making this first stage of the Christian journey as special as possible.

When you are ready to take on the adult responsibilities of faith after your baptism you are invited to prepare for your confirmation. In our team we have regular courses for confirmation which are planned around the needs of those attending.
Please do share this information with your friends, you never know some may have wanted to be confirmed but felt they have left it too late - the oldest person prepared for confirmation so far was a lady in her eighties! Do pray for those who are considering this next step in their Christian journey.

Please see the church contacts page here
if you would like more information about the St Buryan Baptism or Confirmation services.
Additional information can be found on the Church of England website here

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